2002: |
First Price Musashino Art Project / Musashino, Tokyo; |
1998-99: |
USA-grant, New York City and San Francisco, of the
Bavarian Ministry of Culture |
1996-98: |
Guest professor at the School of Art, University Kassel; |
1993-95: |
Member of the Institut des Hautes Etudes en Arts Plastiques, Paris; |
1992: |
Scholarship and grant, Kunstfonds, Bonn;
Project prize of the Erwin and Gisela Steiner Foundation; |
1991: |
Scholarship and grant from the European Community »Eurocreation«
for Grenoble;
Bavarian State Prize,
Project grant from the City of Munich; |
1988/89: |
DAAD grant, London; |
1986: |
Art prize Fürstenfeldbruck; |